Deutsch Institute Bus Trip to Mohegan Sun Casino
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Time: 10:30am-3:30pm
Cost: $40.00 per person
This trip includes a $5.00 food voucher and a $25.00 free slot play!
Please bring proper ID. Payment due by 9/12/17
Deutsch Institute Bus Trip to Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Cost: $72.00 Due by 10/2/17
Arrival Aprox. at 11:30 am Departure at 4:30 pm
Lunch/dinner can be purchased at the Aquarium or bag lunch/dinner.
Deutsch Institute Halloween Dinner Dance 2017
Friday, October 27, 2017
Cordaro's Restaurant
186 Grandview Ave. Honesdale, PA
Time: 5:00-8:00pm
Cost: $27.00 due by 10/20/17
Costume Contest and a Great Menu!
Please call Tara or Johanna to reserve any of the above events at:
570-348-0891 or 570-348-1968