Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Art Story Fundraiser

Join Us At The Studio On 
Saturday, February 8th from 5-8 PM

Live Entertainment from the Verve Vertunes and other special guests to delight our studio friends & family. We'll enjoy light refreshments and a basket raffle all to benefit the new kitchen remodel which will help in our ever expanding community opportunities in which we share this space.

For further information please call the studio at 570-675-1465

The Artists of Verve Vertu will be participating in the

"Arts in the Atrium" Show on Friday, March 6th 2020

at the Atrium Human Services Building 
111 N. Pennsylvania Ave. 
Wilkes-Barre, PA

This exhibit will showcase artwork from local artists,

 including our very own Verve Vertu family & friends. 

It takes place from 5:30-7:30 PM with light refreshments being served.

The event is sponsored by Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Mental Health and Developmental Services